What We Do


Serve Marketing is the country’s first, all-volunteer, nonprofit advertising agency, whose mission is to give underserved charitable causes a stronger voice in the community.

More About Us

Founded by Milwaukee ad man, Gary Mueller in 2002, Serve volunteers have created behavior-changing public service campaigns for over 100 local and national non-profits on issues ranging from teen homelessness, domestic violence and human trafficking to teen pregnancy, STD prevention and infant mortality. Causes that aren’t hot. That aren’t sexy. And that don’t have a lot of money. Serve’s provocative brand of public service marketing is sometimes controversial, but it always gets people to notice and talk about these silent causes, which leads to an increase in awareness, volunteerism and funding. To date, Serve, through its partnership with ad agency BVK, has donated over $18 million of in-kind creative, media, web, PR, print, broadcast production and strategic planning services to underserved non-profit causes.

What People Are Saying


“Being part of the strong baby campaign is my favorite thing I get to do as Mayor.”

— Mayor Tom Barrett

“Serve and BVK staff members have gone above and beyond to support us over the years. They show the brilliant balance of health messaging and creativity to draw people in. Every campaign they’ve done for us has a lasting impression in the community, and brought more people to our other agency services - a gift for a nonprofit.”

— Gerry Coon, Executive Director of Diverse & Resilient

“Working with Serve and BVK has been life changing. The time and dedication they pour into each project is impeccable. Without their work, Lacey’s Hope would not be where it is today. The awareness campaign led by their team impacted and saved countless lives from sex trafficking. Their education & awareness projects are truly key.”

— Emmy Myers, Founder of Lacey’s Hope Project
